The first age category is 22, this will be soon after I graduate, my apartment will be near the city where I can find work. This might be in Seattle, New York, or Chicago somewhere very urban and full of younger people. My house will need only to be small because I will be living alone and won't have too many possessions. The apartment will probably be like an art studio or one will 3 rooms for roommates. The house will be very personal, but a lot of work wont be put into it because of my job I will be traveling a lot. In conclusion my apartment will be small and comfortable for a first home.
The next age group is 33, at this time I plan to be fulfilling one of my many occupations. At this age, I plan to be living somewhere else in the world and experiencing culture. I will only need a one bedroom apartment for me and my partner(if there is one) or friends and living a successful life. I would still probably only be at the "couple" stage, so my place will need to be a bit bigger for both of our belongings. I plan to live somewhere in Europe, places with rich culture and history like Spain or Norway. I plan to live my life to it's full extent and I won't be ready for the responsibility of kids yet.
The third age group is 42, at this age I will have been possibly married or with a slim chance of a child. Since I would have been working for 20 years my income shouldn't be too bad, so I might be able to have a nice home in New York City or in Portland, Oregon. Because if I do have a child I would like them near a musical influenced town like Oregon but also the vibrant culture of New York. I don't plan on living in the suburbs unless I'm near death and even then it will be by force if anything. My condo or townhouse will have 3 bedrooms and a garden on my terrace or on the roof of my apartment because since my organs will becoming to an age of failing and high risks I would like to eat somewhat organic. My house townhouse will now be a little bigger because at this time I would like at least one kid, and it will need a bigger room because only children tend to be spoiled. I will want a big bathroom with a classic claw footed tub and a patio for nights with my large varieties of friends from my world studies and pretty view with an industrial/minimalist look.
Now when I'm 72, let's have fingers crossed I'm alive or aware of my surroundings. Most likely at this age I won't be retired because the economy isn't the greatest. I will still be in townhouse or some small place for me and my husband and how large amount of plants and sovereigns, grandchildren would be nice so a spare bedroom for them. I might just be in North Carolina at this point on a cottage on the beach and I will have some small job like working at a local store like in the movie "Safe Haven" except there won't be a hot Josh Dumal and I will be old. I want to live on the beach because I hope to have grandbabies, and a big backyard and ocean will be lovely. Also a couple guest rooms for them too when they visit, but also a sorta big dinning and kitchen for family gatherings. My life ahead is planing to be a great one and I will need many houses because I plan to travel and live my life to its full extent with my future family,